Leaguers brainstorming ideas for 2025.
On February 24th, League members gathered in Newton to generate ideas on how best to be active during this year. They focused on a single question: What meaningful actions can our League take this year to support our community and our members, while staying true to our mission of Empowering Voters & Defending Democracy in a nonpartisan manner?
The session began with a video featuring national League president, Dianna Wynn. Dianna is the former president of the Wake County LWV.
The participants first focused on the state of voters now. Then they began creating ideas that could be implemented this year. Later in the two hour session, each member there twas give 6 green dots to stick on the ideas they favored. A second phase of this planning will include the opportunity for those who could not attend to complete a survey adding their digital green dots to the list of ideas.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”