Members say what they like most about the League.
Register voters.
Encourage citizens to vote
Give voters accurate voting information
Create events for candidates to reach the public
Engage with future voters (students)
Partner will other organizations
Maintain your own political alliances outside of League events
Explore new interests and skills
Experience a sense of accomplishment
There is additional information available on these pages: Join/Renew and Membership FAQs. Remember, if you have questions during the process, let us know.
the VALUE of Joining
The League of Women Voters Catawba Valley is an organization that values members who:
Care about voters voting, civic issues, elections, and democracy.
While being a member of a political party, can approach being a part of League activities in a nonpartisan manner.
Have diverse backgrounds with regard to gender, race, political affiliation, age (16+), and abilities.
Reside in Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba Counties, or other counties in the area.
How Much Time Does It Take?
Members choose how, when, where, and what they want to contribute. The amount of time you spend on the League is up to you. Some members lead committees, others participate in voting registration events, others may choose to only attend events as their schedules permit.
Thinking about joining? But not quite sure?
No problem. If you want to connect with someone about the League, please let us know.
You can also click the button to the right to receive our 10 times/year newsletter to learn more about what we do.