Members Say this about Joining—
Through participation in League projects, you will:
find opportunities to provide valuable service to our community
gain knowledge through networking, discussion of timely and important topics critical to our community and our lives
acquire up-to-date civic information that you can trust
explore new interests and skills, acquire a sense of accomplishment
make professional contacts and develop friendship with other LWVCV members and community volunteers
know that you are also a member of the North Carolina and National Leagues
Are you a match?
The League of Women Voters Catawba Valley is an organization that values members who
Care about voters voting, civic issues, elections and democracy.
Have diverse backgrounds with regard to gender, race, political affiliation, age (16+) and abilities.
Reside in Alexander, Burke, Caldwell and Catawba Counties or another county in the area.
How Much Time Does It Take?
Members choose how, when, where and what they want to contribute. As a member, the amount of time you spend on the League is up to you. Some members lead committees, others participate in voting registration events, others may choose to only attend events as their schedules permit.