Help Your Community Complete the Census

The United States Census is required under the Constitution to occur every 10 years and is the process of counting every resident in the country.  The 2020 census will be the first to rely heavily on digital responses vs mail or door to door canvassing.

Why should you care?

The census data is used to make decisions that impact us all in our daily life. Our census count will be used to determine where $1.5 Trillion in federal funding is spent.

●      Funds for schools, healthcare, social programs, libraries, highway maintenance, along with many more areas

●      Political representation - our congressional districts. We may lose or gain representation depending on how our census numbers compare to 2010

●      Redraw political district maps at all levels of government

As people relocate and our area’s population grows, getting an accurate and complete count of every person living is crucial to ensure that our state and respective county receive the funding and legislative representation that we deserve.

A few facts about the census

●      The constitution says to count all persons not all citizens

●      Responses to the Census are protected under federal law and can only be used to produce statistics and cannot be used against you in any way

●      April 1, 2020 is the official census day. Everyone living at your home on that day should be counted

●      Children and babies count!!! 

  • April 1st is the national census day. If your baby is born on April 1 include them in your household count!!! 

For more background and information on the census   US Census Bureau.


Complete your own census now. Right here. Right now.

Want to see how well NC or your own county is responding to Census2020? Click on map above.