LWV-Wake is hosting a webinar featuring two speakers on Monday, June 8th at 1:00pm. The webinar titled "Increasing Access to Mental Health in NC Public Schools: School Psychologists are Needed" features two school psychologists that are leaders in their field. Both have been leaders within the NC School Psychologist Association and can speak to advocacy efforts. (Their bios are on our website at https://bit.ly/36OQrw1.) LWV-Wake invites any interested League member to attend. Below is a description of the event. Attendees may register at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WNSmo3giRGu35s2Z-2wufg.
The NC School Psychology Association (NCSPA) has been advocating for increased access to mental health in schools, more heavily in the past decade to combat the impact of the recession of 2008/2009. Participants will hear information about the past decade, information related to the current state of mental health services and social emotional learning in schools in 2020, and what efforts have occurred. The speakers will share the results of advocacy efforts, what schools have received as a result of advocacy, what directions they are moving in, and who the community partners are in NC. Participants will have an opportunity to and are encouraged to ask questions.