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Fair Districts NC Webinar - Hear from Rep. Pricey Harrison

Redistricting reform legislation has been introduced in both the NC House and Senate. Just in time for our Day of Action (April 29), we're fortunate to have as our webinar guest for Wed., April 28 Rep. Pricey Harrison (D-Guilford), the lead sponsor of both bills introduced in the House so far. Rep. Harrison will get us ready to contact our legislators and urge them to hear these bills! She will discuss each of the bills as well as prospects for reform in time for this year's redrawing and give us tips for communicating effectively with legislators. Her bills include the Fair Act (H437) and Redistricting Criteria for 2021 (H495, also introduced in the Senate as S581). You can find links to these and other redistricting bills here:

H437 is a model bill that would establish an independent commission, very similar to the "gold standard bill" introduced last year. H495 takes advantage of new mathematical tools, developed in part by Duke math professors, to establish criteria that can diagnose gerrymandering before the first vote is cast. Join us to learn about the bills and get ready for the Day of Action (sign up for the Day of Action at and encourage your friends and partners to join us, too!).