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LWV NC Healthcare Action Team Want to join contact by November 5th

For many months, a small group of members from various local Leagues has been meeting informally to focus on healthcare public policy issues, including universal healthcare, Medicaid expansion, social determinants of health, racism in health care policy, and rural health.  In response to LWVNC’s renewal of its support and oversight of League Action Teams (LAT), the healthcare group decided now was the time to formally re-establish itself as a statewide Healthcare LAT.   

The Covid-19 pandemic laid bare already existing inequities in our healthcare system.  As our country deals with the health and economic disasters of Covid-19, it is imperative that Leagues in North Carolina build capacity now so that we, as  LWV members, are informed, educated, and prepared to be effective advocates for healthcare reform when the time is right.  To build that capacity, the Healthcare LAT would like to broaden its work statewide by inviting members of other local Leagues to join the team.  Joining the Healthcare LAT at this stage of its development will give you an opportunity to influence its strategy, structure, and areas of interest.  Please join us now!

If you have an interest in advancing LWVNC’s work on healthcare, please contact either Karen Bean at or Martha Roblee at no later than Friday, November 5.  The next Healthcare LAT meeting, via Zoom, is scheduled for Tuesday, November 9, at 11 a.m.